Page 3 of 7 Results 21 - 30 of 64

Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 195
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 30
Reported On: 2020-04-06
Reported By: javiut
Location: 8.3.3 (last code snippet)
Old Text:
System.out.println(InstanceCounter.printCount()+" "+InstanceCounter.count);
New Text:
InstanceCounter.printCount(); //accessing static method using the class name System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count); //accessing static field using the class name

Pg: 59
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 25
Reported On: 2020-02-23
Reported By: karthiknk81
Location: 3.1 (Table of Data types)
Old Text:
New Text:

Pg: 86
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 32
Reported On: 2020-06-30
Reported By: kowenli
Location: S.5.3 step 7
Old Text:
Step 7: At line 9, a new object is created and assigned to baz. Thus, bar stops pointing to obj 1 and starts pointing to obj 3 after the execution of this line.
New Text:
Step 7: At line 9, a new object is created and assigned to baz. Thus, baz stops pointing to obj 1 and starts pointing to obj 3 after the execution of this line.
Change bar to baz on second line
Pg: 71
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 18
Reported On: 2019-04-08
Reported By: natasci
Location: 3.3 Assigning float to int or double to long and vice-versa
Old Text:
long g = 9223372036854775807; //Long.MAX_VALUE;
New Text:
long g = 9223372036854775807L; //Long.MAX_VALUE;
L is missing.
Pg: 192
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-10
Reported By: natasci
Location: 8.3.2 last para
Old Text:
New Text:
Change the baz to boz in the code and the text below because the method baz is private in Foo while baz is not.
Pg: 308
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-16
Reported By: natasci
Location: 11.3.1 (Under "the ClassCastException")
Old Text:
Mango m = new Mango(); Apple a = (Mango) m;
New Text:
Mango m = new Mango(); Apple a = (Apple) m;

Pg: 362
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-21
Reported By: natasci
Location: 12.4.2 example 4
Old Text:
New Text:

Pg: 9
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 21
Reported On: 2019-10-03
Reported By: nk2164
Location: 1.4 second last sentence
Old Text:
Similarly, if you change one reference to point to some other object, that doesn’t change other references pointing to the that object.
New Text:
Similarly, if you change one reference to point to some other object, that doesn’t change other references pointing to that object.
Remove extra "the"
Pg: 147
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-06
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 6.3 Use a switch statement
Old Text:
A allows to you use the ...
New Text:
A switch statement allows you to use the ...

Pg: 190
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-09
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 8..3.1
Old Text:
In the case of a method or a field, this keyword must appear immediately before the return type of the method or the type of the field respectively.
New Text:
In the case of a method or a field, this keyword must appear before the return type of the method or the type of the field respectively.
The word "immediately" should be removed.

Page 3 of 7 Results 21 - 30 of 64