New OCP Java 11 Certification 1Z0-819 Exam Experience

Java Certification 1Z0-819 Exam ExperienceTwo of our content developers took the new OCP Java SE 11 Developer Certification exam (Exam Code 1Z0-819) and here is what they had to say about the exam.

The first thing that stands out in this exam is the number of question and the amount of time that you get to answer them. There are 50 MCQs and you get 90 minutes. As such 50 questions in 90 minutes doesn't look too daunting but if you take a look at the exam objectives, you will notice the breadth of the topics that you need to study for this exam. They range from basic, such as variable decarations, classes, loops, conditionals, overloading, and overriding) to really advanced, such as concurrency, annotations, security, JDBC, and NIO. Such a wide range of topics means that you may not get a question on all the topic in the exam. But believe it or not, this is a very good thing. In the past, it was easy to cheat on the exam by using "exam dumps" (which is just a euphemism for real exam questions). This reduced the integrity of the exam and reduced the value of the certification for those who study using genuine study material. But now, it will now be very difficult to pass the exam just by studying dumps. No two candidates will get the same questions. So, even if one studies from exam dumps, they may get a totally different set of questions.

Our content experts got questions on the following topics, and as explained above, since the number of questions were so less (only 50), some topics were completely left out. Of course, this doesn't mean that the exam doesn't have questions on these topics. Another candidate may get a different set of questions, which may include questions on these topics.

  1. Modules:
    1. Only a few of basic conceptual questions.
    2. No question on advanced topic such as services, migration strategies, command line options,
    3. Question on jdeps output.
  2. Security: Two code based questions on doPriviledged. No question on other topics. 
  3. JDBC:
    1. Only a couple of basic questions involving PreparedStatement.
    2. Code uses DataSource.getConnection instead of DriverManager.getConnection.
    3. No ResultSetMetaData
    4. No DriverManager, transactions, savepoint questions.
  4. Multithreading/Locking:
    1. No question on Atomic classes
    2. No question on locks
    3. Couple of tough questions on ExecutorService
  5. File I/O:
    1. Simple question on methods of Files.copy method involving options such as REPLACE_EXISTING and symbolic links.
    2. Question on seriaization
    3. No question on Paths or Path relativize
    4. No question on Console
  6. Arrays/Collection/Stream: Several questions
    1. Lot of questions used the boxed() method.
    2. Heavy focus on autoboxing of elements of a stream.
    3. Heavy focus on List.of and List.copyOf methods
    4. No question on Deque but TreeSet was used
  7. Overloading: No complicated question on method resolution.
  8. Advanced question on Enum
  9. Advanced question on Annotation
  10. Simple question on exceptions.

  • One question had 10, yes, 10, options! A couple of them had 7 or 8 options as well. Most had 4-5 though. 

  • Only a few questions were very lengthy to read (they had a long problem statement). Most were not so much.

  • Time was enough.
  • Overall the test did not seem too hard in terms of mind tricks but was hard in terms of depth of understanding required. You can't just read a topic cursorily and expect to answer exam questions on it. For example, the questions on enums and annotations requried that you know the complete ins and outs of how they work.

    How to prepare for 1Z0-819 exam

    1. Books: As of now there is no book specifically for this exam. However, since this exam combines almost all of the topics of 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 exams, you may use the 1Z0-815 book and 1Z0-816 book.
    2. Additionally, you should also go through the updated Java Secure Coding Guidelines.
    3. Mock Exams: Finally, use 1Z0-819 mock exams to practice answering certification style questions. Since this exam covers a very broad range of topics, you will need to practice with a large number of questions so that you don't miss any topic.