Feedback on three of your products

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Feedback on three of your products

Post by DesRenthuware »


I have used your OCA/OCP7 and WCD6 (test on Monday - been passing your tests so expecting a good outcome) test banks and thought I would give you some (hopefully helpful) feedback.

OCA7: The test suite was more than adequate for the tests and I don't think you need to change a thing.

WCD6: Perfect again.


This is where I think you could do some more work. My reasoning here is directly related to just how great your WCD test bank has been. I cannot enthuse enough about how useful having 10 tests has been in accurately defining my weak areas in the overall performance report. Your OCP7 (and probably future OCP exams) product must be updated to have more tests!!! This was my experience using your product:

Studied, thought I was ready (OCA7 really misleads you here regarding the scope of the OCP7 exam) and wrote your first mock. Think I got around 60% (so didn't feel I was far away), but I ran over time severely. Initially dismissed the (time) issue, did what I felt was sufficient in revising the gaps highlighted by your mock and tried the next test. Again got a similar score and went over on time. Still felt reasonably confident, did some more prep etc. and decided to do the third exam, but this time I forced myself to work to the time limit. Disaster - score dropped about 10%.

At this point I got the message that I was missing something major in my prep. I stopped writing tests and restarted my studying essentially from scratch. As your product only had the 5 tests, I went further afield to the Bates/Sierra mock book and Devaka Coorays mocks. Amusingly at one point I seriously considered switching to the OCP6 exam because I was almost immediately passing those mocks (within time) even though at that point I hadn't been passing your mocks. After really pushing, I came back to your last two mocks and finally started passing.

The thing is though, I remember looking at the performance summary after completing the first 3 OCP7 mocks and a pattern of my weak areas just wasn't emerging (too few tests to provide really useful data). The pattern was all over the place. I realise the OCP7 exam covers a huge amount of material, but the lack of tests was really hurting the process of diagnosing my really weak areas. Compare this to your WCD product - after 7 tests, I could look at the pattern and clearly see the gaps.

In summary then, I think that you could improve your OCP7 product by adding 5 or even better, 10 more tests (due to the large body of material). It would have really helped me diagnose my true weak areas a lot more effectively had I had another 4-5 tests to burn. I'm certain it would also drive up the number of passes and push up the percentage gap between your mocks and the actual exam.

Hope this "dissertation" is useful to you. Your products thus far have been fantastic and I will undoubtedly continue using them as my first and most critical purchase for any future certifications.

Keep up the good work!! :D

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Re: Feedback on three of your products

Post by admin »

Thank you very much for your detailed feedback. We will certainly work on adding more tests in the OCP7 question bank. Do you have any suggestion regarding which topic you found was harder/complicated than the rest and needed more questions or which topic you thought could have had better coverage? Did you get any question of any topic/concept that was not covered well or at all in the question bank?

Best of luck for your WCD exam. Please do let us know your feedback about this product after you take the test :)

thank you,
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Re: Feedback on three of your products

Post by DesRenthuware »

Hi Paul.

The OCP7 exam was a while back for me now, so I don't remember specific questions. However, when I was using your tests, I tended to find that my scores could vary wildly because I could have a good grasp of certain items in a given topic group but have gaps within that group. In short, I never felt confident I had mastered the topic. Only once I understood the level of detail I would need to pass the exam (after the 3rd mock) and then went back to determined studying, did I start getting the results (by which time I only had few mocks left). The lack of additional mocks at this point meant I had to swap to earlier mock exam versions which was obviously not ideal (hence my recommendation to add more tests).

I definitely think you could add a significant number of questions (specifically in the early mocks), that only dealt with the API (i.e. not actual usage). This will help anyone else going for this certification to quickly get the point that a deep understanding of the API is required (method signatures and exceptions). After that the mocks could move to your existing mocks to sharpen the person for the exam.

Regarding the WCD test I just took (and passed), your product covered all the bases. I remember only two/three questions that caused a bit of head scratching.


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Re: Feedback on three of your products

Post by admin »

You feedback is greatly appreciated. We will work on it asap.
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