Java Record Constructor and Final Field Assignment Issue

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Java Record Constructor and Final Field Assignment Issue

Post by uditorflatt »

Hi everyone,

I’m working with Java records, and I’m having a bit of trouble understanding how to handle the assignment of a final field in a constructor. Here’s the code I’m working with:

Copy code
public record Book(int id, String title)subway surferssubway surfers are a game for all ages{

public Book { //1
id = id + 1;

public Book(int id, String title) { //2 = id;

My question is:
Would the code still compile if I remove the second constructor (line 2)?
I understand that id is a final field, and therefore it cannot be reassigned. Given that, would the constructor at line 1 (id = id + 1) cause any issues, or would the compiler not allow it?
Thanks in advance for your help! I’d really appreciate any insights or explanations on how this works.

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Re: Java Record Constructor and Final Field Assignment Issue

Post by admin »

What happened when you tried it out?
The id at //1 is not the same as record component id.
Please go through the Records chapter of
Deshmukh's OCP Java 17 21 Fundamentals
. It explains this in detail.
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