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SecurityManager and AccessControl sources to learn

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:15 am
by st3ven

I am trying to understand these topics about security unfortunately I havent found much material on this topic on internet. Everytime when I got question with doPrivileged I dont feel confident.

I read this whole page ... guide.html which gave me some idea about it but its still not enough.
I have book from Selikoff and AccessController.doPrivileged is not even mentioned there.
I havent found anything on youtube, I tried to check videos content of OCP courses on udemy havent found anything. Pluralsight also 0.

I would appreciate video with some examples and explanation of the concept. As I said I understood some basics like everything in stack has same privileges and you can change them with doPrivileged for specific method but then I dont understand ProtectionDomain and probably also other things.

its also little bit hard to try it locally

does anyone have any sources to understand this topic?

Re: SecurityManager and AccessControl sources to learn

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:48 am
by admin
Yes, it is a hard topic to comprehend and moreover, all that stuff including security manager is also deprecated, so there is no point in spending too much time on it.

My suggestion is this: Just go through all the questions involving security from our question bank. Go through their explanations. That is all you need for the exam. If you still want to do hands on practice with this, then you will have to actually write test programs and play with the method calls using help from the link that you posted above.

Re: SecurityManager and AccessControl sources to learn

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:31 am
by st3ven
thanks for reply. I tried to create custom policy and test giving permission to the file with ProtectionDomain but its just not working. really terrible topic to understand :(