Page 6 of 7 Results 51 - 60 of 64

Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 192
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-16
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 8.3.3 - Accessing static members from the same class
Old Text:
new InstanceCounter(); new InstanceCounter(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance 8.3 Apply the static keyword to methods and fields 193 new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing count through the class name System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count);
New Text:
new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count); //accessing count through the class name
The two new InstanceCounter() statements are not needed and the comments should be moved to the corresponding statements.
Pg: 195
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 26
Reported On: 2020-02-22
Reported By: javiut
Location: 8.3.4 Importing static field
Old Text:
Java 7
New Text:
Java 5
import static statement was added in Java 5.
Pg: 203
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-17
Reported By: username987654
Location: 8.4.3
Old Text:
free to manage acctIt in its own way but
New Text:
free to manage acctId in its own way but
acctIt should be acctId
Pg: 208
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 12
Reported On: 2019-01-03
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 8.5.2 Creating constructors
Old Text:
this.someValue = x; //initializing x
New Text:
this.someValue = x; //initializing someValue

Pg: 217
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-22
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 8.6.1 (first code listing)
Old Text:
private age;
New Text:
private int age;

Pg: 235
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 12
Reported On: 2019-01-04
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 9.1.3 Inheritance and access modifiers - point 5
Old Text:
Even though the balance field of Account is visible and inherited in RetirementAccount, acct.balance ...
New Text:
Even though the balance field of Account is visible and inherited in RetirementAccount, sa.balance ...
acct.balance should be changed to sa.balance
Pg: 237
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 12
Reported On: 2019-01-04
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 9.1.5 Benefits of Inheritance
Old Text:
For example, in the class hierarchy consisting of the CurrentAccount, SavingsAccount, and RetirementAccount classes...
New Text:
For example, in the class hierarchy consisting of the Account, CheckingAccount, and SavingsAccount classes...

Pg: 243
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-03-02
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.2.3 abstract and static
Old Text:
class Bed extends Furniture{
New Text:
abstract class Bed extends Furniture{
class Bed should be abstract. Although the code still won't compile because of the reason mentioned before.
Pg: 261
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-09
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.3.2 - Constructor chain diagram
Old Text:
New Text:
In the flowchart illustrating the constructor chain flow, the print statements of the two Employee constructors need to be swapped.
Pg: 242
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 14
Reported On: 2019-01-07
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 9.3.2 - Valid combinations of access modifiers, abstract, final, and static
Old Text:
class Sofa
New Text:
abstract class Sofa
Although not relevant for this discussion, the Cclass shown under "Impact of access modifiers on abstract and final" should be abstract.

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